I think that once our kids have learned to read, it's tempting to abandon reading together as a family in favor of basking in the joy of our reader's newly acquired independent skill. How amazing is it to walk past our son or daughter's room and see them sitting in bed, or lounging on the couch, reading a book! We might begin to think that our job is done and that we now have time to finally scrub the mildew out of the grout in the shower. But do you really want to do that? I want to encourage you to not give up reading aloud with your children! There is so much to be gained! Besides the time spent with one's children while reading, which is invaluable - they literally will be gone before you know it - there are other benefits to reading aloud.
1. Reading aloud allows one to read a book above the reading level of your son or daughter. They will hear and learn new and bigger words. They will come into contact with new thoughts, ideas, and life situations that they probably will never encounter in Nancy Drew.
2. Reading together creates a family culture. We have read the Little Britches books twice. One of our favorite quotes from the books is "Wastin'! Wastin'!" That was what Ralph's grandfather always said. He was a huge miser and wasting resources was his biggest worry. But you see, if you were part of our family, I wouldn't have to explain all that to you. You would already know and would find it funny when we looked at the leftover peas on your plate at dinner and said, "Wastin'! Wastin!"
3. The time together is invaluable. I didn't just read to all our kids together, but also have special books that I read with just one, or two of our kids at a time. Our oldest daughter and I read through a few Bronte novels, all of the Elsie Dinsmore series, and most of the Anne of Green Gables series. We only read while driving in the car together. It's incredible, the amount of reading that can get done when approached consistently through 20 minute car rides. That daughter is now 22 and I heard her talking on the phone the other day. She said, "I read that with my mom." Oh, the warmth that came from hearing that!
So don't give up reading with your kids! Keep going as long as they will join you with a good book. You won't regret it.